welcoming you to the playground of kid these days

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

what is the friggin meaning of 'Fake id on the forehead?'

it's just another word for when people put up a mask of made up identity that cover up their true self.in other word? FAKE. and i never get why people like to do that.maybe it's because their not actually comfort with themselves or they just havent found it yet or maybe because their losing their mind

well whatever it is. i dont like it.never like those kind of people.not that im a hater or anything.nope.im not that bitchin type.i just dont like.get it? why i dont like? because when you see this kind of people and then you realized their fakeness as clear as crystal, you just wanted to scream it out loud untill your lungs explode.But, their fakeness is just so damn real that no one cant even sees the difference.And then you just end up laughing in despair or look away in shame.

see? im the one who's unlucky at that condition.so guys, please,quit the act.this glasses are'nt just made for seeing what could be seen ye know.

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